Tham khảo Leopoldo_Galtieri

  1. Argentina's Military Dictatorship (tiếng Tây Ban Nha)
  2. Dark Years: Murió Galtieri, el general que llevó al país a la guerra
  3. New Documents Describe Key Death Squad Under Former Army Chief Galtieri, National Security Archive
  4. Oriana Fallaci, Cambio 16, June 1982, Available Online [liên kết hỏng] "Si, señora periodista, desciendo de italianos. Mis abuelos eran italianos. Mi abuelo de Génova y mi abuela de Calabria. Vinieron aquí con las oleadas de inmigrantes que se produjeron al comienzo de siglo. Eran obreros pobres, pronto hicieron fortuna." ("Yes, madam reporter, I'm descended from Italians. My grandparents were Italian. My grandfather came from Genoa and my grandmother Calabria. They came here with the waves of immigration that occurred at the beginning of the century. They were poor workers, soon made a fortune.")